Broadway Is My Beat, a radio crime drama, ran on CBS from February 27, 1949 to August 1, 1954. With music by Robert Stringer, the show originated from New York during its first three months on the air, with Anthony Ross portraying Times Square Detective Danny Clover. John Dietz directed for producer Lester Gottlieb. Link-Broadway
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Broadway Is My Beat CD1
Broadway Is My Beat, a radio crime drama, ran on CBS from February 27, 1949 to August 1, 1954. With music by Robert Stringer, the show originated from New York during its first three months on the air, with Anthony Ross portraying Times Square Detective Danny Clover. John Dietz directed for producer Lester Gottlieb. Link-Wikipedia-Broadway
Read MoreBoston Blackie CD4
The Boston Blackie radio series, also starring Morris, began June 23, 1944, on NBC as a summer replacement for Amos ‘n’ Andy. Sponsored by Rinso, the series continued until September 15 of that year. Unlike the concurrent films, Blackie had a steady romantic interest in the radio show: Lesley Woods appeared as Blackie’s girlfriend Mary
Read MoreBoston Blackie CD3
The Boston Blackie radio series, also starring Morris, began June 23, 1944, on NBC as a summer replacement for Amos ‘n’ Andy. Sponsored by Rinso, the series continued until September 15 of that year. Unlike the concurrent films, Blackie had a steady romantic interest in the radio show: Lesley Woods appeared as Blackie’s girlfriend Mary
Read MoreBoston Blackie CD2
The Boston Blackie radio series, also starring Morris, began June 23, 1944, on NBC as a summer replacement for Amos ‘n’ Andy. Sponsored by Rinso, the series continued until September 15 of that year. Unlike the concurrent films, Blackie had a steady romantic interest in the radio show: Lesley Woods appeared as Blackie’s girlfriend Mary
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